Turkey happened in recent months in the world,
our economy, our intelligence, our government,
bureaucrats and politicians our level,
academics, our level, our army, our religious
building our strength formed by the major
component parameters from all and very important
tables in terms of many parameters. Let's face
it, the last 12 years Turkey very significant
progress in many areas, although some may,
unfortunately, in our region with the advanced
state of the world and we are not strong enough
to compete in other parts of the world.
For some time, I've been pointing out a number
of points about the world's superpowers,
power-focused states, the world system.
It was not possible to know the Middle East
without knowing the world system. I have pointed
out to the world system on several occasions.
We're not in this system. I said we are a kind
of apparatus of this system ğ I touched the
clues about how to enter the world system.
If you are at the most strategic point in the
world, you get power in the world system as well
as your power, you can take place. If you have
the power in the most distant and most worthless
geography of the world, you will dominate all
the strategic points.
Turkey, financial, technological, intelligence,
military, religious, ethnic, scientific,
educational, economic and other not strong in
any area. We are a state that is only at the
most strategic point in the world and trying to
survive. Let's face it or don't let it happen!
This is the case as if we manage the whole
world. Do we know the cost of giving a painting
like we're turning?With this power and our
state, how we can become a strategic strategic
force in our region, in the world, economic,
political, cultural, military intelligence,
financial, religious, scientific. In the past
period, in which we provide and how we achieved
such a position to get what they want in Turkey?
Have we ever researched and thought about it?
Turkey today's political, diplomatic, military,
intelligence, how indivisible economic level,
may remain strong and all, but how can a
quarterback in this regard in the region, did we
ever talk?How can we build an active power in
your country, in our region and in the world
without knowing exactly what you are and what
you can do within the world system?
Unfortunately we don't know the answer to this
When this is the case, it is not possible for
ISIS to come up with a strategy against the PKK.
When a strategy against local terrorism and
other organizations cannot be established, a
strategy cannot be produced against other
states. Because the world system is unknown.
However, the last period of the Ottoman Empire
is very important; The Ottoman Empire was the
most important actor in the world system and was
negotiating with other patrons of the world
system. Lausanne and the first years of the
Republic of the world with the leaders of the
power sector has been negotiated. So the world
system was known.
After 1945 a new system was created the world
and Turkey is the second of the world system, it
was pushed to the third ring.Due to the need for
his army and geostrategic position after the
1950s, he became an inspiring and dictated
apparatus of the second ring of the world
system. Then, for the Middle East, the Balkans
and the Caucasus, they were a religious and
ethnic laboratory.
The foundation of what is happening today is
taken long ago. Now is the harvest time.
AK Party is trying to change this table. He
wants to sit at the table. However, the Ottomans
had lost it even though it was on the table. You
need to sit on the table with very strong cards.
And you have to win, if you lose, the danger of
extinction is waiting for you.
Now we have our trumps or trump card which will
stop and even direct the whole world,
unfortunately our answer is negative.
What should we do? There are answers to this
question in our recent history. You know how to
find it? If we don't try after 1935, we'il have
more problems. If we examine down to the finest
detail we could lose Turkey between 1935-1950.
If we cannot detect and analyze how we became a
mechanism after 1950, how can we compete today
in our country, in our region and in the
world.Today, we are unable to compete with our
rivals, the sovereigns in our country. Today, if
the Assembly is working as a machine producing
an abnormal degree of law, there are a lot of
problems that we cannot cope with.
In the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle
East, the Ottoman Empire could not compete with
its country.
If you have missed the opportunity to compete in
our country and you have extraordinary
difficulty, you will try to produce the law that
will make yourself superior to you to establish
its dominance and to dominate the situation. The
Ottoman Empire's Reformation and the
Constitutional Monarchy periods I and II showed
the last Ecevit-Yılmaz-Bahceli Government. It is
mandatory to meet the legal needs produced by
technological, scientific, computational and
economic needs. But you constantly, public
order, ethnic, religious, demonstration, march,
take control of the Internet to control the
ethnic and religious issues to defeat the
Constitution and the law, if you pass the
parliament, you have lost a significant rate of
competition in your country. This situation
cannot be corrected by law enforcement, military
and police, and intelligence. More extensive
studies are needed.You need to do this work
without being late. Otherwise, you turn into an
asset that knows and predicts everything your
competitors will do but cannot prevent anyone.
It ends with an effort to retreat and throw
yourself in the most sheltered position. you can
not find the required position bu Now we are at
the end of the sitting table. When we sit at the
table they won't give us anything, but they
will. What will you give? What will you do? This
question has to shake us all and tremble. What
is desired and desirable is so great that we
will respond to how we respond.
Do we know the answer to this question?
Do we have the opportunity to write and
implement the scenario that will make us most
That's the question. If you've identified the
question. You'il find the answer.
There is also the answer.
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