1July 15, 2016 A historic break ...
A black day of treachery
Make the crisis a chance? It should!
Jewish proverb; If something happens once, it
will not work the second time, if it works the
second then it will certainly work the third
It started with the Gezi strike, it went on with
the 15th of July. it will continue. We should
stay awake and be prepared.
Years ago, we had a conversation with the late
President Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu. it was also the
present secretary-general of the party, Mr. Ü.T.
and Mr. E.Ö. there.
We talked about politics. I made an analysis for
that day. President, if it continues, politics
will be purged when those who do not think about
this predicament and the politicians whose
agenda is determined by others are only focused
on the result. They will liquidate politics in
Turkey if it continues like this. And they
recommend you first. Our president looked at me
for a few seconds, and he actually meant a lot.
Why is that? He was looking like. Because you
are nationalist market makers in political
planning do not like national elements. That is
how I evaluate the 15 July 2016 date. I think
it's right for everyone to evaluate.
Let us recall that Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
forbids the outcasts. Let's not forget that
Mustafa Kemal never had an alliance with them.
The period had been read, the state was in the
decisiveness of the transformation, the state
must have seen that the transformation with the
Ottoman dynasty could not be successful, he
retreated and accepted the Anatolian Pact.
Among all the successful commanders, Gazi
Mustafa Kemal became the leader and turned the
State into a Republic.
How we evolved from the Ottoman Empire to the
Republic these days to understand the changing
conditions of the world and we must achieve our
own transformation against the new conditions.
We must build the game
This is not possible with our current point of
We must be able to read the worldly world behind
the big picture.
The traitor mind seems to have taken what he
We seem to have been liquidated with our
politics, our army and our institutions.
Our emotional mind is in the field. We need our
cool mind.
Mr. Edip Özbaş, a member of Kahramanmaraş MHP
deputy, once said: Turkish Nation looks at the
hill and shapes itself according to the hill.
embracing now we must say that the unity time of
unity is no time to duality. We should say no
time for brotherhood.
Intimate and sincere
We should not give the opportunity to his
triggers who must recognize the power and the
intelligence that drives the field without
hesitation to convert all the States without
calling it.
No irritation and anguish
For those who do not want to bring the Turkish
State to the table, we must show that “this
order cannot be established without us.
In this regard, the most important
responsibility, political institution, with its
opposition with the opposition and separatist
Do not think that the people who attack the
ancient Turkish State Tradition that separatist,
ethnic and sectarian structures, .. Only when
it's time to use throws aside. Let us not
forget, while the arms of the Turkish state is
wrapped with tenderness, while others want to
shake their arms when you realize that you've
gone to work, you realize that ’ Blood and tears
are now your comrade.
These days we did not come coincidentally. We
have tried to express previously incapacitated
point at the point where everyone should think
about the mistake. Perhaps one of the biggest
reasons of the events is the opposition, which
does not want to be ruled by an unconscious
power concept?
Mr. President's upright posture and the fact of
who is with him should be analyzed well. In The
Prime Minister's conciliatory and inclusive
style should be supported.
The President of the Republican People's Party,
Mr. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and his team should take
responsibility for their action by abandoning
their perception of the natural boundaries that
should spread their attitude to the base. Time
is not time to fight.
The Nationalist Movement Party President Mr.
Devlet Bahceli is admirable for his posturing a
traitorous attack on our homeland. But not
enough. Now, remembering the ancient Turkish
State tradition, it must accelerate the process
of preparing Turkish Nationalism for central
right politics.
Criticism about the way of administration should
be revised, and these and similar discourses
should be perceived as sincerity, not from the
outside mind. Exit, indisputably, without any
othering, homeland, nation, azan, flag
descending to the squares in the diversity of
the sincere Turkish nationalism stance by seeing
In the case of ethnic and sectarian, regional
politics, the HDP's silence after the first
moment in the process received a promise from
somewhere? He should not ask his question, but
rather confront the reality of ethnic and
sectarian politics in political history as a
third card in the poker table. It should be
remembered that the people of the region lived
before and after the Lausanne Treaty.
The language of politics should not be ethnic
and sectarian politics in any way, but our
differences should be considered as wealth, and
the fact that the enemy is far greater and
stronger than the understanding of the
treacherous attack on July 15, 2016.
The danger is not past.
The solution is to create new arguments, new
concepts, new paradigms.
This geography, the ancient state tradition, we
can achieve this with the power we receive from
our roots.
Especially “ knowledge is to know, knowledge is
to know yourself,” he obtained a poem,
“knowledge without asking the door” who knows
not to enter, after entering the glory of
Muhammad (S. A.)A.V.) a belief that the
separation of “mad and parents” is not possible
to give life to the way of the Prophet (SaaS).
We have the interpretation of Hacı Bektas from
Ali,the scientific view of Hodja Ahmet Yesevi,
which we have blended with the words “I need
you, I need you” of Yunus. We are the Alpermen
of Fatih, who took the sword and the kalamı, one
hand, the other hand, and sometimes the
Zülfükar, and sometimes the Gürzüz.
Karacaoğlan , we learned rebellion from Pir
Sultan Abdal and love our culture.
Then, no bravery.
If someone creates chaos to see what is visible
and what is not visible, then our answer is that
we believe in God and worship him.
If the Turkish nation is not at peace and
security, none of you can be at peace. We should
be able to get the depth of mind that we can
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