In this booklet, one of the
desired game series to be played in front of more
eyes are on Turkey. Author's spend our mines in
motion national feelings against the loudly
denounced and betrayed penned to exhibit a stance
against the law, it also documents the history of
the base that this booklet turkey public-you
familiar a national duty to bring to broadcasting as
R & D center. Because Turkey has declared a
public-only fee you would do while the road will
make the country Unionism Unionism. Turkey, as
yesterday, the National stance on everything
concerning our will continue thereafter. In the
preparation of the booklet, I would like to thank
everyone who contributed to Dursun Y., especially
the lawyer.
Turkey Kamu-Sen General Manager
After the second quarter of the 1800s, American,
English, French, German and Russian geologists
traveled quietly in the lands under Ottoman rule,
just like a mole. In 1895, Britain rejected the
proposal for the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire.
Germany wanted the whole, not the whole. Dozens of
German experts were sent to the country. The
Pan-Germanic Union idealogues convinced the Germans
that their future lay in the rich and undercrowded
Ottoman lands. It was decided that the fertile
Mesopotamian lands, which had contained bright
civilizations in the past, would be a great source
of wealth in the hands of hardworking Germans.
"The East Awaits One". Paul Rohrbock; in East
Germany ... in the future ... In Turkey,
Mesopotamia, Syria was saying.
One mole geologists from coming to Turkey was also
professor of Lawrence Smith. Bursa found the first
chromite deposits in the village of Nallılar in
Harmancık. Turkey's chrome production times,
reaching 60% of world production.
With the discovery of chromite deposits in New
Caledonia, India, Pakistan and Rzeszia (Zimbabwe)
(1874, 1903 and 1906, respectively), a terrible
competition was launched between the chrome
producers. The iron and steel producers in these
years were monopolies specializing in the production
of weapons.
In Turkey, in 1883, it began looting the presence of
Bursa Harmancik chromite deposits. The first
concession was given to Cevahirci Elize
Leonikalaidi. Between 1882-1922, 35 chrome
concessions are granted. Twenty of these privileges
belong to foreigners and non-Muslim Turkish
subjects. None of the Turkish subjects are Turkish.
The same process was experienced in the Anatolian
Boron Ores. Although the interest in the Boron mine
dates back to the Romans in 1865, the first serious
operation began in 1865 in the borders of the Karesi
Province (Balıkesir, Kütahya, Eskişehir) with the
French company Compaqnie Industrielle Desmazueres
for 20 years, in accordance with the provisions of
the 1861 Mining Regulations. Then, the
British-French company named Borax Company gets the
right to operate.
The French-British under the name of the Borax
Gypsum they have spent many years under the name of
very cheap prices and fees paid in their own
country, they have worked in the plant.
Later Müşir Fuad Pasha was given a concession and in
1889 he sold it to two Frenchmen (Viale and Pradel).
In this process, almost all foreign banks in the
Ottoman economy are aiming to protect the economic
and political interests of the countries they belong
and their (foreign) capital owners on ottoman, to
provide new concessions and interests, as well as to
be an instrument of economic and political expansion
to the east and the raw material needs of their
industries. I meet. By 1899, almost all of the
Ottoman financial system was under the control of
the British financial capital. Moreover, Deutsche
Bank was put into service in 1905 in order to return
the debts of Ottoman finance.
(M.Mustafa CINKI-Bloody Story)
When the Ottomans began to get into trouble and
borrowed; "Now the Turks are indebted rapidly, but
after twenty-five years there will be elements of
opposition to the borrowing in the Ottoman society,
and then our interests and their interest will be in
danger. For this reason, we will need Turkish
executives who can protect our interests on the
finances, economics and wealth of the Ottoman
Empire. We believe that these local missionaries
will be more beneficial than us and the political
pressures we make. They have the opportunity to
approach the Turkish people with their own language,
their own methods of persuasion. These local
missionaries will be one of the most important
elements of our receivables, one or several
centuries of collateral. Bu Daniel DUCOSTE-1889 New
Life Magazine August 2002 issue of the head of the
commission of the Ministry of Finance of the
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of France and
the head of the commission of the state from the
Ottoman State described the day with the words of
the cover.
In all this process, who tried to go to a new
structure in the Palestinian territory and succeeded
in this, the Teoderi HERLZ sultan Sultan II. In a
letter to Abdülhamit, he summed it up; "If you do
not fulfill our demands today, you will lose a part
of your land in every agreement you will make
tomorrow. As a result of each agreement you will
have a piece of land and you will be occupied and
destroyed after a while," he said. (Prof. Dr. Yaşar
KUTLUAY-Zionism and Turkey) Under the ruins of the
collapsed Ottoman Empire, domestic financial capital
did not emerge. Because, the Ottoman banking system
is Seligmann, Goldshimid in Europe. It was
established jointly or jointly by Oppenheimer and
Rothschild. However, when the empire collapsed, they
first abandoned the country.
As a result of the First World War, the Ottoman
Empire was forced to sign the SEVR. According to the
Treaty of Sèvres, which shows similarities with the
IMF and World Bank relations as of today and its
implementation and results; from the hands of the
right to life of a nation invaded Anatolia, what an
unfortunate coincidence that rashly charge that
hides behind a concept such as assistance of the
Ottoman Empire in Turkey, have acquired the right to
receive both possessions and lives.
The Entente States controlled a concession to be
granted by the Ottoman Government in order to
compensate the loss of the nationals who lent or not
to the State, and the concessions that could not
obtain the visa of the Finance Commission were
prevented. One of the income left for Dubun-u
Umumiye is the income of Ergani Copper Mine. (This
day the example is not allowed by the IMF not to pay
the amount to be paid by TPAO for its 15% share in
Tengiz Petroleum.)
The main reason behind the mentioned reason cited by
Americans from Turkey to Colonel Colby M. CHESTER
name in 1900, a plan for finding resources for the
financing of the railway network in East and
Southeast to do. According to the plan, the
operating rights of the mines within an area of up
to twenty kilometers from both sides of the line
will be given to the US for 99 years in exchange for
the construction of the railway.
Harput, Sivas on the main line extending eastward
from South Project Ergani, Diyarbakir points in
Turkey and the world's most important copper and
chromium, and Turkey's most important oilfields.
These beds remain within the 40-km concession strip
of the Chester Project, with a 200 million-ton high
grade copper mine in the mine district and a
high-grade copper mine to be removed from the
vicinity of Lake Van and the billion barrel oil to
be extracted from the vicinity of Lake Van. A target
of $ 100 billion was targeted at a cost of $ 100
million. Dated 07.04.2003 (AMDL's Map) (M.Cınkı A
Bloody Story)
The New York Times, dated 17 July 1923; "Lausanne in
America has won a victory. He was accepted to equal
opportunities policy to open the door-everyone we
stand on Insisting. Entente states Turkey remains
outside the treaty concessions regarding Oil Company
and has agreed not to give them priority for future
Turkish concessions. Turks and Americans against
these concessions same the ranks gave a tough fight.
US Located next to Turkey in Lausanne negotiations.
Turkey on July 24, 1923, the signing of the Treaty.
The agreement signed by Refet Bey to the US is
approved by the leg games in the parliament.
However, ATATÜRK cancels the agreement. As a result,
the US-Lausanne Treaty has not yet been recognized.
(Ali Kuzu-Papor) The reason why Atatürk canceled the
Chester concession on the grounds of the second
Sevres Agreement; On February 18, 1923 in Izmir,
Turkey Economics collected as a result of long
discussions in the Congress; MISAK-I is the
acceptance of ECONOMIC. So, the foundation of
planned development was laid. However, planned
development will not be by socialist system but by
liberal economic practices. II. Prior to World War
II, the need for chromium-steel was reached. Turkey
in 1939 to 16.4% which constitutes about
190.000.-tone of world production of chromite
produced alone. This was carried out by MTA and
ETİBANK which were established in the Republic
A similar situation exists today for BOR. 95% of
world consumption of crude Bor meets TURKEY. The
industry-leading company Borax certainly does not
export crude boron. European boron industry, Far
East and Asia are completely dependent on Turkish
boron. The majority of advanced industrial market of
over 1 trillion US dollars if opponents will seize
Turkey Turkish Pipe.The first operating license of
chromite deposits in Fethiye / Üçköprü region in the
Ottoman period was given to Ali Rıza Pasha in 1887.
The chromite mines operated until 1926, when Ali
Rıza Pasha died, were left unattended for a while
after the concession granted after this date was
canceled. Ali Riza Pasha, Gürşana named after the
company named Gür Fethiye Company-i Madenine gay. As
the company did not pay the rent of the chronicles
of Üçköprü chromite, after the company had run the
site for 35 years, it did not pay any taxes on its
balance sheet and also destroyed the chrome fields.
Istanbul Asliye 4. Tic. He alleged that his court
had failed to obtain any earnings in the case file
61/523. (M.CINKI-Bloody Story)
Borda situation; During the Democrat Party, BORAX
CONSOLİDADET LTD (BCL), operating in boron areas,
was established with a submission to the
pre-Republican period. BCL changed the name on 25
November 1955 to take advantage of the laws enacted,
the name of the first word by putting the word 80%
of the capital of the UK UK BCL company, 20% of the
Turkish partners and British partners belonging to
the TÜRK BORAKS MADENCİLİK A.Ş . named after.
Sultançayırı has also registered the concession of
boron on 06.01.1956 in its newly created form. The
company has shown a low amount of boron reserves.
The company declared a reserve of 10 million tons as
a result of the drillings made in the Sarıcakaya
region of Kırka and requested a 45-year concession,
but it was found that the reserve was 400 million
tons in the studies conducted by the MTA in the same
In the years of World War II, the country started to
struggle due to the recession of the world economy.
In 1946, economic aid to Turkey before, Thornburg
appointed by economists from the 20th Century
Foundation to present a report to the US Congress
prepares a report called Turkey's Today's Economic
Status of Criticism. According to the report;
- Turkey is not necessary to establish heavy
- Karabük Iron Steel which was established in 1937
should be closed.
- Aircraft, machinery and engine projects should be
canceled and these investments should not be
- The railway should be built instead of the
- Industry should be abandoned.
- On the contrary, managers who develop projects
cannot be regarded as US friendly.
It is obvious how the applications are implemented.
However, before this, a similar 1800-page DORR
REPORT was prepared in ATATÜRK. After the death of
the great leader, the trash report is called with
the BIBLE definition.
"ATATURK, who saw that these could happen, in his
speech in Mersin on 17.03.1923: There are two forces
that prevent us from reaching our purpose. One is
the external enemy. They are the ones who do not
want us to proceed to put us into a colony. those
who are likely to come out of us are traitors. " II.
World War II defeat, which adopted due to defeat
Germany and Japan, government initiatives will be
transferred to the private sector and the
requirements of each area will be opened to foreign
capital has voluntarily accepted by Turkey. The
result is the famous MARSHALL PLAN. Economic
İşbirilg Treaty between the Republic of Turkey and
the United States was approved by the 5253 law on
July 4, 1948. Article 2 of the Agreement; The
observations will be found Fulfills a wide range of
diagnostic and Resource Savings in Turkey on the
Facilities Inspection phrases is available. The
principal feature of the Dorr, Thornburg and Barker
reports, which are the support for the Marshall
Plan, is that there are reports on the content that
put reserves in our national mining assets. With the
help of Marshal, the jeng, which is thrown into the
national power, is now in operation for the young
Republic. (M.CINKI-Bloody Story)
To better understand this, you need to define
NATIONAL STRENGTH. The most appropriate definition
for this is the definition of BARNET. "The power of
a nation-state never comes from its own armed forces
alone, but also from its economic and technological
resources as it demonstrates its mastery of foreign
policy, its distant vision and determination, and
the good of its social and political organization."
the concrete elements of power and military power,
as well as the abstract elements of national morale,
national leadership and the political system, would
constitute a strong state. In the light of all
these, in general; in a study to shed light on the
subject, in his book Joseph E. Stiglitz (Great
Disappointment of the Globalization), who also works
as the World Bank Chief Economist and Vice
President, "In many countries rich in resources,
people come from natural resources to use energy to
create wealth." (Rant) is trying to provide "says.In
fact, those who remove natural resources from the
ground in our country spend their personal income
instead of providing facilities for the industrial
transformation of natural resources, but also for
the sake of sustaining their welfare level.
Considering the application and results of our
country's mining, we come across the fact that our
national power potential is destroyed by the pillage
of organizations that call it miners, but which turn
public ownership into a special source of rent,
which makes mining synonymous with treasure.
(M.CINKI-The Power of Nations Depletion or Depletion
of Our Country)
B- From the Perspective of New World
The result of the New World Order-GLOBALIZATION
against the National Power Approach;
New world order, which is triple pillars of the
1-globalization, 2-customizing, 3-localization
policies, adopted liberal practices following the
1980 and especially in order to be integrated into
the West by developed countries have stayed out of
this world has come to apply scrupulously by the
government in Turkey. The central countries of the
new world order, which emphasizes the company and
multinational capital, are the most infertile
countries in the world in terms of the underground
resources needed by their companies. (M.CINKI-The
Power of Nations Our Depression) Globalization;
Williamson's budgetary constraints all over the
world as summarized for Latin America, reduction of
public spending, lowering of tax rates, financial
liberalization, release of exchange rates,
liberalization of trade, privatization of public
enterprises, exemplifying the law, national
authorities handover, etc. it evolved through
advocacy, coercion and dissemination of
transformations. Especially in underdeveloped
countries, the debt helix that emerged in the 1970s,
the low saving rate and the vital need for foreign
aid and investment provided great convenience for
the restructuring of these countries in line with
the demands of global capitalism. In overcoming the
debt crisis, the IMF has taken the World Bank,
regional investment banks and other international
institutions in the palm of their hand to move these
foreign investments to these countries. The IMF and
the World Bank have prepared the infrastructure with
the legal and administrative changes they have
imposed, as well as providing financing to these
enterprises with their subsidiaries. However, their
participation is not given to any state organization
but to private companies, and is directed to
projects that are supposedly technically strong and
will support the local economy.
Michael Hart, in his book (The Rules of the Global
System;) ".. how will governments protect their
economic interests in the world? There are two
options for smaller countries: either co-operation
or oppression, walking towards the same goal or
accepting the tyranny of larger powers." by saying
the extent of globalization clearly explained.
In order to overcome the current crisis reflected in
the mining sector and to ensure long-term
investments; multinational corporations have started
to apply the policies of natural resources by
forcing global sanctions to increase the export
revenues of the countries subject to mining and to
increase the growth with the income to be provided
in this way and to accelerate the development of
poverty. As a result of the policies implemented,
millions of hectares of land, up to 2/3 of the
territory of some countries, have been granted under
the control of exploration of transnational
corporations, and with the facilities provided,
these companies are rapidly consuming their mineral
deposits with new technologies in most cases. they
have taken them out of countries.
When operating the mineral resources, the most
profitable part of the bed, the so-called slider
layer was chosen and the richest sections of the ore
zones with different rich grades were removed at the
lowest cost in the shortest time.
In the least developed and developing countries in
the last decade; In South America, Africa, former
Socialist countries and Southeast Asian countries,
an intensive search and operation campaign was
launched. The ecological balance is disturbed, the
waters have become unusable, the forests have been
destroyed. The historical texture has disappeared.
(Tahir ÖNGÖR-Globalization and Mining Laws) From the
standpoint of privatization: In our country, the
mining law was first enacted in 1858 with the Land
Code. Until 1906, it was tried to direct mining with
different regulations. The Mining Regulation was
enacted in 1906 and remained in force until 1954.
In 1954, a new mining law preparation commission was
established. With the advice of AId (US Aid
Commission), ELY comes to our country and works for
the new bill, which takes into account the proposals
of foreign monopolies. The Mining Law No. 6309,
adopted in 1954 in accordance with the interests of
foreign mining monopolies, was abolished in 1985 by
the Mining Law No. 3213.
The fundamental changes in our country's mining law
in accordance with the demands of neo-liberalism
were carried out in the eighties. After the
elimination of the difficulties in the
implementation of the economic decisions of 24
January 1980 with the military coup of 12 September
1980, the policies of the open multinational
companies were introduced instead of the national
policies in our country. As a result, the country
entered into a heavy debt spiral.
With the laws passed after 1983, foreign capital was
entered into our country and it was aimed to
circulate easily. One of the most important areas
for foreign capital was mining. With the law no.
3996 after the law no. 3213, the operation of the
mines under the provisions of the state has been
opened to the privilege of foreigners.
The central countries of the New World Order, which
emphasize company interests and multinational
capital, are the most infertile countries in the
world in terms of the underground resources needed
by companies.
Although industrialized countries are
under-dependent of underground resources and in a
significant part of them, they consume up to 60% of
the world's mineral production. A US citizen, who
has an average of 80 years, consumes 1633 tons of
underground resources throughout his life. The world
is rapidly consuming its underground resources
quickly.The common feature of the countries that
base their exports mainly on petroleum and raw
materials is that they have lagged behind. For
example, countries like Yemen, Niger and Zambia are
among the 10 poorest countries in the world in terms
of per capita income. Siera Leone, the world's
largest diamond country exporting country with 60.8%
of its export revenues, is the poorest country in
the world with a GNP of $ 414 dollars.
In 1986, at the request of the government, the
privatization rush in our country is counted as one
of the institutions to be privatized in ETİBANK in
the Master Plan of Privatization prepared by MORGAN
BANK, one of the institutional investors of Rio
Tinto. It is recommended to rent aluminum and
rehabilitate the copper. As a result; The most
important function of the MTA has been restricted
and the Institute has become an institution that can
only work where it can obtain a license. Etibank's
banking sector was first divided and then sold.
Etibank's insurance function was turned off and
disabled. After the bank was evacuated, it remained
to the state. Today was a big holdings of all banks
and private financial institutions while Turkey's
largest company with which the liquidation of the
banking finance ETİBANK door has been closed. As a
result of the country's privatized but not operated
facilities, the added value of the mining activities
to the country's economy has fallen rapidly as the
mining operation for the exportation gained weight.
With the arrangements made after 1980, the flow of
foreign capital was not sufficiently provided.
Sample; 85 foreign companies in our country have
made only $ 275 million in mining investments since
1980. This is only 0.9% of the foreign investment.
None of the incoming capital has the idea of
establishing a metalworking industry. MTA data in
the search work is a precedent.Regarding
Localization; The Law on Local Administrations, the
Law on Public Personnel Regime, the Law on Public
Personnel Regime, the Law on the Establishment of
Qualified Industrial Zones and the Law on the
Promotion of Qualified Industrial Zones when
States that unit malfunctions of the structure, the
central authority is weak, forming special security
units of the national army is weakened and will
fragment, active features and sectarian differences
are brought to the fore in Turkey will be created
closed regions into its own in the long run Turkey
Cumuhriyet State of collapse to occur given that the
raw material all the capital in the public's hands
the facts that will be destroyed should not be
Example of all this; In Elazığ Guleman (Alacakaya)
region, it is claimed that the ground richness of
these lands belonged to Kurdistan. Is it a
coincidence that the killing of nine people from the
personnel of the Ferrochrome Directorate of Oriental
Chips? (Apo trial hearing file) Is it still the
Republic of Turkey to be given new land incompletion
of the Cadastre work?In 1996, 53 governments during
AMDL company made with the concession contract of
the New York Stock Exchange IPO in promotional
brochures for Turkey federal Government from Turkey,
he referred to, in the past year in the HABITAT II
project held in Istanbul opening speech that all
state officials when also found in Atatürk Culture
Center at U.N. Secretary General of speech in the
Republic of Turkey Feoderal also be a coincidence.
Germany's former Chancellor of the Social Democrat
Helmut Schmidt Berliner told the newspaper
Tagesspiegel, Turkey's fragmentation targeting the
August 10, 1920 Sevres Treaty, referring to this
period, the Kurds would be incompatible with the
right of a state to express that the biggest mistake
is quite meaningful wonder coincidence?
C, in the light of all these, the material
evaluation of Law No. 3213;
With the bill;
By removing the legal barriers to the mining sector,
to open the way for the sector and thus encourage
License penalties instead of cancellation of license
and investment security
Reducing bureaucratic procedures for obtaining
permits subject to mining activities
To accelerate the sector with the incentives brought
to the mining activities,
To increase the revenues of the state by introducing
a new regulation in state right payments,
In order to ensure the financial strengthening of
local administrations, to transfer the share of the
state right to the private administration
directorates of the provinces where mining
activities are carried out.
It is aimed to provide assurance in the sector by
taking the raw materials of brick-tile, cement and
lime industries within the scope of the law. Article
168 of the Constitution; Of course, wealth and
resources are under the sovereignty of the State.
The right to search and operate them belongs to the
state. The state may transfer this right to real and
legal persons for a certain period of time. Ası In
the recent times, it is desirable to define a new
sovereignty definition by taking into account the
needs of international companies. is required.The
father of liberalism is Hayek; While emphasizing the
priority of the individual against society, class
and nation, his / her position against companies in
particular against international companies is not
mentioned at all.
According to liberalism, there is no common goal or
good in markets. The task of the state is not to
regulate the market by intervening, but to prevent
the harmful actions of individuals to the proper
functioning of the market economy. Again, Hayek
argues that money markets must be removed from
government control. The reason is that governments
are prone to implementing populist policies. It also
recommends the independence of central banks, the
withdrawal of money from governments and the
establishment of a foreign exchange regime. (In our
case the autonomy of the Central Bank) In Article 3
of the draft amendment, by liberal logic, if the
individual prioritizes the family, class and nation,
the commercial activities are prioritized against
the forest, the environment and the most important
food of the human. It is impossible not to see the
threat that would occur when it was run by
international companies.
It is stated that the law encompasses the public
interest in the articles containing the amendment,
but the benefit of the miners is in front of the
benefit of the nation.
R & D is encouraged in mining exploration and R & D
activities are excluded from incentives for the
transformation of enterprises and mines into end
products. We're like a merchant with financial
support to your opponent.For over twenty years as
the implementation of specific policies have been
transferred sovereignty to international
organizations and companies considering the nation's
hands. State of the founders will, İzmir Economy
Congress that connects Forces Economics and
according to the Constitution, the Public Ownership
System soul must be protected. Even in the United
States is not mine of the Public Property BLM (Land
Use Bureau) According to the assessment made by the
700 million acres in the mining field while it's 165
million acre section of national parks, it closed to
mining for reasons of wildlife protection areas, 182
million acres cut in the same office by these areas
it was decided that mining could not be performed.
The main idea of the License Trade to the ground
preparation of the present draft, extreme and even
the provision of a fall in prices is low by causing
unplanned production, with the wrong incentives
system will be almost on the money to buy the
uncontrolled to operate and misrepresentations
applied to the preparation of the infrastructure of
corruption by removing being dissuasive penalties We
are seen as. If there are provisions will be
positive instead of state right over the sales
amount of these profits is a passage in the
incentive system. If the country will not have any
income, why will it be mining?In the light of all
these, Mehmet Altan KARAPAŞOĞLU (Bursa Deputy) on
behalf of AKP group, Assoc. Sait ÇABA (Afyon
deputy), Zeki ERGEZEN (Bitlis deputy), Dengir Mir
Mehmet FIRAT (Adıyaman deputy) in the capacity of
the dissenting they have presented;
Law, Coastal Law, National Afforestation and Erosion
Control Act, Pasture Law, Law on Protection of
Olives, Law on Establishment and Duties of General
Directorate of Water and Sewerage Administration of
Istanbul, Law on Municipal Revenues, On the other
hand, exemptions and exceptions should be included
in the Tax Laws and tax exemptions and exemptions
are introduced by special laws. This logic disrupts
the integrity of tax laws and brings uncertainties
and challenges in the practices. With the repeating
Article 45 added to the Corporate Tax Law No. 5422
by the Law no.
In the law no. 3946 and 4396, it is not appropriate
to introduce new exemptions and exceptions when many
of the exceptions have been abolished. It will be
impossible to make arrangements that will ensure
that the discounts and abandonments implemented by
our finance system on various occasions can be seen
within our tax laws and to receive transparent
This law, prepared by the Foreign Capital
Association and delivered to the Grand National
Assembly of Turkey with the logic and attitude of
the Draft Law, draws the reactions of civil society
- In terms of substances;
- Article 3 of the bill "The amendment to be made in
the Article 7 of the Mining Law is transformed into
the rule that the Ministry of Energy and Natural
Resources will prepare the mining activities in line
with an Regulation to be prepared by the Ministry of
Energy and Natural Resources". Following this
regulation in which the rule of law is ignored, the
mining activities carried out under the supervision
and supervision of the state based on the issued
licenses, with the implementation of the
cancellation and cancellation decisions of the İ.YUK
there is a conflict of laws between the mining law.
This is clearly against the constitution. M This
regulation, which means to neutralize the judiciary
and prevent the implementation of the judicial
decision, is contrary to article 2 of our
constitution and article 2 of the Republic which
regulates the qualifications of the Republic which
will not be changed or indirectly proposed.
- This bill protects our Constitution through the
use of shores with the number 5,11,17,43. Protection
of the Soil No. 45, Protection of Agricultural Areas
and Pastures No. 45, Health and Environment Rights
No. 56, History No 63, Protection of Cultural and
Natural Property, 138, Administration, Legislative
and The obligation of the executive to comply with
and fulfill the decisions of the Court is also
contrary to many internationally signed agreements
on the protection of forests.
- As the AKP, we are in favor of the development of
our mines, which are our assets under our territory
and our assets under our territory, in the direction
of the benefit of society; The principle of the rule
of law and the idea of not to compromise with this
bill was presented as a party opinion against the
However, the draft law is to be brought to the
agenda of the TGNA, which is even more aggravated
than in the 57th government period. Namely; (To
answer the reasons for referral to the TGNA)
Remove obstacles in front of mining; completely
The assurance of the license, the rights of the mine
that the bill is trying to bring, and the 6 months
of granting an additional time even when it turns
out to be unsustainable, seems to have little place
in the national mining law of other countries.
Encouraging the mining industry; the state is giving
money to the top.State share; Although it may be
good to get 2% of gross production compared to the
output from the quarry instead of the profit, we are
giving money to the top when the incentives, tax
exemptions, and the right to regulate the right of
co-existence are evaluated together.
Strengthening local administrations; this
justification should be assessed together with the
protection of the self-determination of cultural
rights, the laws of the local administrations and
the law on the civil servant regime. In this case,
the right of regional self-determination can be
Said by legal regulations, the central government
are being disposed of behind the scenes, the
Republic of Turkey, is divided into principalities.
After World War I, the military defeat had come,
while the country was occupied in the regional
sense, now it is desired to be built, first by
establishing the city-states, that is, first the
Sevres will be actualized and then the military will
be defeated.According to the 2nd Amendments of
Articles 1 of the United Nations conventions adopted
by twin betrayal laws, yararlan All rights doğal can
freely enjoy their natural wealth and resources.
This is when the local administration law and the
public personnel law are added; When the operating
rights of the foreign companies who want to operate
the mine are examined carefully, the money of the
Euphrates and the Tigris will not come to the west
of the country.
- Prioritize national resources in free, transparent
and stable market conditions, use and develop
advanced technologies in the safe and economic
production of these resources and with the desired
- Producing, transmitting and using the energy it
needs, with safe, reliable, economical, efficient
and environmentally friendly technologies;
- can develop energy technologies that can compete
in the international energy market and international
energy investments in Turkey should be targeted
effectively. (TUBITAK -Energy and Natural Resources
Panel) all stages of production, provided that the
primary priority in our mines have limited energy
production must also be opened to foreign capital in
Turkey to be performed.In terms of energy
reliability, domestic resources should be
prioritized in terms of search extraction and
utilization in order to keep the dependence on
acceptable levels. (TÜBİTAK panel)
As a matter of fact, the most important reason for
not developing private sector in energy intensive
industry is the elevation in electricity prices.
When electricity prices are reduced to a reasonable
level, there will be no concept of loss of
facilities. Seydişehir Aluminum Plant will be
privatized in the Privatization Master Plan prepared
by Morgan Bank as described above. Privatization
pressure also prevented modernization of Seydisehir
Aluminum facilities.
The facilities, which were established with the
Soviet technology, are still working at full
capacity even though the plant has not been
modernized in the last 30 years. This great success
was achieved by civil servants and by the
legislation of the State Economic Enterprise.
The sector is also a global cartel. (The Alumina,
which has a 30% stake in Rio Tinto / Coalco, also
shares with Kaiser 28%, Alcan 22% and Peciney 20%.)
These companies, which move medium all over the
world, are able to provide raw materials without
providing any added value to the countries they
produce. they seek and seek to liquidate the state
institutions that they see as rivals.As is known,
Seydişehir Aluminum facilities have been made with
Russian technology like many other facilities.
Turkey when choosing a Russian or Soviet technology
in industrialization has caused the superiority of
Russians prefer this technology. The West (English,
French, German, USA, etc.) did not give us
technology even with our money, and opposed the
establishment of facilities. At present, their
presence is disturbing them. Ergani copper plants
are being shrinked and continue production under the
control of Glencore. Turkey's sole Zinc Lead (also
can handle one gold) ÇİNKUR the property was
purchased by Glencore indirectly and sealed. Turkey
zinc are available from Glencore and its
subsidiaries. Elazığ opposed to the construction of
Germans Ferrochrome facilities Marc RIHC (pardoned
by Clinton on the last day of his redundant
presidency in search of the red bulletin) and
companies (Glencore) marketing because of the
embargo imposed by marketing for two years and is
under threat of closure. Now there are Seydisehir
Aluminum facilities on the target. Seydisehir public
should also stay. (The Importance and Future of
Galip TÜRKMEN-Seydişehir Aluminum Plants)
The only raw materials in the world in the hands of
shareholders that may be unrivaled in Turkey's
energy sector is now BOR MINE. It is essential that
Eti Holding and Eti Bor A.Ş. Although the Council of
State decided on 26.05.1999 and numbered 199/66 E.
and 1999/93 K., it was found out that the
establishment of the company as a joint stock
company and Eti Bor A.Ş. It is noteworthy that there
is no structuring. Law No. 2840 should be protected
for the protection of the single hand.However, the
provisional article on the amendment to the Law
no3213. Etibank should complete the 5-year search
process for the licenses. As a result of this
situation, which is not possible, Etibank's fields
will be broken and will be opened to competition and
Etibank's function will end.
"The provisions of the Law No. 2840 are reserved.
All boron salts which will be found and will be
found before and after the effective date of this
law shall be subject to the provisions of Law No.
2840". The bill brings exactly the opposite. The
current practice is still preserved in the bill. We
must get rid of the dead soil sprinkled on us. EU
membership is a dream for us as a freak ghost.
Teoderl HERLZ in order to achieve the success of the
Zionism movement said, "If you want to change
people, you must first change the living conditions"
the promise today is a new opening of the current
strategy applied to us.
We are faced with fragmentation in the period when
we say yes, we say yes to every word. Shattering
will not be enough, and the city-states to be
established will not have the chance to survive. 5
EUR to the EU's interests in the maps that were
included in the half-TURKEY located. In this case, I
wonder if Turkey can we be all the members in the
Republic of Turkey to the EU without the Federal
Republic. "What makes a flag the flag is the blood
on it and the earth under the shoes is home." An
excerpt from the poem of the deceased dr. As Necip
Haplemitoglu said "there is no Turk and no other
Turkey" and it is time to preserve the property of
the Turkish republic state.
Article Writing
Ayhan Bilgin of Turkey in 1998 in the Federal
Contracting State Gazette article,
CHP Mining and Metallurgy Commission work,
Tahir ÖNGÖR, from the article titled Globalization
and Mining Laws,
M. Mustafa CINKI The Power of Nations and the
Depletion of our Country-Consumption
M. Mustafa CINKI from his article entitled A Story
with Chrome-Bloody Story,
M. Mustafa CINKI From the pipe article of our eyes,
M. Mustafa CINKI Competition in Boron Market-Boron
Fuel Article,
Galip TÜRKMEN From Seydişehir Aluminum Plant's
Importance - Future
Ali KUZU's work titled Report,
Ali SAPMAZ Mining Law Amendment Draft; From the New
Games article,
Galip TÜRKMEN from the Article of the Mining Law -
Property-Domination article,
The AKP's withdrawal from the Czech government's
draft law in the 57th government period,
TMMOB 3212 Numbered Mining Law Review titled,
Ali KUZU from the article titled Amendments in the
Mining Law,
TÜBİTAK Energy and Natural Resources Panel study was
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