the time we realize the blessings of democracy, it
might be too late. Today, those who is able to write
and speak the language talk about democracy all the
Democracy makes sense if it is built on
transparency, accountability, social quality and
sustainability. At this point, we are faced with the
management and administration of a process in which
the legislative, executive and judiciary, that is,
the separation of powers, are intertwined, the rich
get richer and the poor get poorer. It is a chaotic
process, almost no matter what it is, in which
wealth changes hands uncontrollably, this change is
not supervised. A period where the doer gets away
with what they do… The sustainability of this
situation is not seen as possible…
The authority dominating the process will increase
the pressure to maintain its existence and the
authority. To do this, people recruited by the use
of office, money and public power will become
prominent. This was practiced by the British in
India. Let there be allegiance!
The existence process of allegiance is also built on
the basis of belief and moral values. Instead of
correcting the mistakes made, the political
institution performs politics on these values. This
will result in the destruction of the moral
structure and values of the society. The people
are first divided into camps. Recruited elites, who
worship the power, seek more supporters. Crowds with
enslaved souls are required to maintain authority.
When the colonial countries are studied, it is seen
that the souls of the people are enslaved. The mind
is disabled and the instant feelings and allegiance
are essential.
It is the power created by the combination of
intellectual arrogance and lumpen arrogance that
feeds this understanding. Both feet feed each other.
While one of the parties is marketing his mind and
knowledge for power, the other party has gathered
his foresight into power. However, it is these two
groups that lose first. Because when the authority
gets what it wants, it forgets them first. Despite
their loud voices, they are kicked out of the game
at their first mistake.
The past has been written with the painful traces of
those who think they know everything, have
everything and have a management mentality that they
believe should be. The elitist group, who is
convinced that without their own understanding, they
will not have a society from which they emerged, and
who are convinced that they have never made
mistakes, cannot see the negativities of these
processes. The understanding that realizes this
negative situation accounts with Magna Carta and has
evolved into the understanding of being a sharing
society. The real Bourgeois has transformed the
Starting from this understanding, the Republic has
existed with an understanding that the elites do not
have the absolute power and might, that provides
permeability between classes in order to carry the
people from which it has come to a better future,
that builds the set of values, and that puts moral
values at the center of life. It puts the mind in
the center. However, at this point, the power has
transformed into the absolute power. The political
institution that does not account to, does not admit
that it has made a mistake, and gathered the
intellectual richness by force, has become the
Bourgeois State before Magna Carta. The
sustainability of a political institution that does
not want to be held to account, manages with the
understanding that everyone and everything should be
under his will, and gathers all powers in a mass,
does not seem possible. The most perceptible example
of this is what happened in Egypt.
The political institution in this understanding
eliminates the permeability between the classes that
make up the society. It does not allow social layers
to affect each other and transform.
However, today's management approach should be able
to build the class structure that can be US by
giving the society the perception that individuals
need each other instead of factionalizing them in
its claim for the future. Otherwise, the energy
accumulated in the social layers becomes
uncontrollable. CHAOS…
Management cannot be sustained if it becomes
monotonous by disturbing the values that produce
for each other, do not factionalize each other, and
share on the scale of needs. Today, the
understanding that I must always win might continue
to exist by bringing in by winning.
As a matter of fact, the white-collar-blue-collar
distinction has disappeared in our country, and
approximately 2/3 of the working population has
become working with minimum wage. A large part of
the population that was supposed to own a house
became tenants, and the property turned into an
investment tool for those that owns it.
These have destroyed the sense of trust of all
levels of the society. Everyone has come to accept
his own opinion as the absolute truth and wants to
ensure his own justice. This comes from the
understanding that the actions of the political
institution are seen as a blessing. The bourgeoisie,
that has turned into a state, the bourgeois state,
has compelled 2/3 of the working population to
By not feeling that they belong to this crowd, the
1/3 elitist group do not accept the responsibility
of the past and the wrongdoing of what has been
done. Those who have so-called responsibility do not
admit that they abuse the sincere feelings of the
people and struggle to prevent mistakes from being
seen. They argue that what happened is not the fault
of the political establishment, instead the past is
reflected in the present or there are other reasons.
They do not have the courage to face the
consequences of their actions. They struggle to
convince the crowds as well as they make themselves
believe that they are the hope itself under all
circumstances and conditions.
Moreover, they embrace the predictions of the great
leaders of the past, so that they do not realize the
trauma of denial they have experienced.
All that has been done, experiences, new concepts
and new definitions do not remove the opportunity of
creating value and new systematics, as well as the
process stands in front of us as an opportunity for
social reconciliation. Those who say WE, ALL of us,
not those who say I AM, will create value. Those who
create COMMON INTEREST, not personal interests, will
define the new leadership. Those who prioritize not
only their own perspectives but also merit, who work
for knowledge and reason-centered, transparent,
accountable social quality, and those who strive for
the SYSTEM, not the INDIVIDUAL, will shape the
In order to achieve this, the cornerstone of the
legal system, the CONSTITUTION, will come to
forward. The answer to this question must be sought
on the right ground. Does the state protect the
constitution or does the constitution protect the
If the constitution protects the state, patriotism
comes forward, if the state protects the
constitution, the nation comes to the fore. This
eliminates negotiability. First of all, the
constitution should regulate negotiability in order
to live together without causing class, sect and
ethnicity discrimination in the society.
A constitution that is merely a set of norms cannot
provide cultural consensus. The norms, which are
intended to be implemented in order to ensure the
order in which the individual feels safe and
believes that what he is doing is not worth it,
should facilitate access to the right to a fair
The implementation of this finding is not enough
alone. Sustainability of accessing to justice must
be provided. This will be possible by making the
society focus on WINING BY CONSOLIDATING instead of
making the society believe that they will win by
highlighting the abundance of existing differences.
There is a need for regulation where everyone can
express themselves freely.
Two basic understandings based on negotiation and
growing together - winning can only be possible by
realizing JUSTICE. The understanding of “justice for
all” should be crowned with the understanding of
JUSTICE EVERYWHERE that prioritizes moral values.
17 May 2022
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